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The Galleri multi-cancer blood test: What you need to know

by Harry Jenkins | Analysis

13 September 2021

89 comments 89 comments

This post is 3 years old, so some information may be outdated

A blood test that has the potential to detect over 50 kinds of cancer is now being trialled in the NHS in England.

The Galleri blood test, developed by the company GRAIL, aims to detect cancers earlier by looking for abnormal DNA shed from cancer cells into the blood.

So far, a lot of the research has been in people who have already been diagnosed with cancer. This study will assess if the test can spot cancer in people without symptoms.

There has been a lot of excitement about the Galleri test, and it’s obvious to see why, but that can sometimes make it difficult to understand the full picture.

Here’s what you need to know.

What’s the Galleri blood test and how does it work?

The Galleri test is a blood test that has the potential of detecting multiple types of cancer. It does this by looking for DNA found in the blood, called cell-free DNA (cfDNA), that’s shed by both tumour cells and healthy cells into the bloodstream.

In order to only pick up on cfDNA that indicates the presence of cancer, Galleri uses modern genetic sequencing technology and artificial intelligence to scan for patterns of chemical changes in the cfDNA that come from cancer cells but aren’t found in healthy cells.

Galleri is only available in the UK in research settings at the moment, because there are important questions that need answering before it’s known if it should be used more widely.

What do we know so far?

Results from studies into Galleri have so far been promising.

GRAIL reports that the test can detect 50 different types of cancer with a false positive rate of 0.5%. This means that in approximately 200 people tested, 1 person would be expected to receive a positive result when they do not have cancer.

In a study involving people who had already been diagnosed with cancer, the test accurately detected cancer in 51.5% of people. This gives an indication of the test’s sensitivity. The Galleri test was able to correctly predict the location of the tumour 89% of the time, which is important for knowing which follow-up diagnostic tests the patient needs to confirm their diagnosis.

A key challenge that this type of test faces is the difficulty in detecting very small quantities of abnormal DNA circulating in the blood.

Because the amount of tumour-derived cfDNA tends to increase as a cancer becomes more advanced, these types of blood tests tend to be better at picking up later stage disease. Based on the results reported so far, the test is not currently that good at picking up stage 1 cancer, where the cancer is small and hasn’t spread to other parts of the body.

What’s more, the number of cancers that have been analysed, particularly for some rarer cancer types, has been very small.

The NHS trial is an opportunity to trial the test in a much larger sample, with longer follow up of patients not testing positive and a chance to answer some of the big questions and iron out some of these limitations.

What’s the NHS study looking at?

The NHS trial will focus on whether the Galleri test can accurately and reliably detect cancer in people who aren’t suspected as having cancer and if it can find cancer at earlier stages than would otherwise have been the case.

It’s being organised by GRAIL in partnership with NHS England and will be run by The Cancer Research UK and King’s College London Cancer Prevention Trials Unit, led by director Professor Peter Sasieni.

Initially, the trial will recruit 140,000 people aged 50 to 77 who will be identified through NHS records and invited to take part.

A crucial consideration is that the research gives information about how acceptable and effective the test is across our diverse population and the team are keen to ensure they recruit participants from different background and ethnicities.

Everyone who takes part in the trial will have annual blood tests for 2 years. Half will have their samples tested using Galleri, and half will have theirs stored for future analysis. Those in the intervention group who receive a positive Galleri blood test result will be referred for further investigations in the NHS.

The trial will see if the test can significantly reduce the number of cancer cases diagnosed late at stages 3 or 4, compared to those whose samples aren’t tested.  It will also help identify the negative impacts of the test. This includes monitoring the number of people who test positive but don’t go on to be diagnosed with cancer and if any cancers are missed by false negatives.

Initial results from this study are expected to be released by 2023. If positive, the study will be expanded to involve around 1 million participants in 2024 and 2025. There will also be longer term follow up of the participants, to see if there were any differences in the number of people dying of cancer in the different groups.

Thinking of joining the trial?

Research is vital to making progress. But there’s a lot to consider when taking part in research, so we’d encourage anyone who receives an invitation to the GRAIL Galleri trial to read the information and decide what’s right for them.

If you do decide to take part, it’s really important that you still report any unusual changes in your health to a GP and consider invitations to NHS cancer screening as you would do normally.

This is because not everyone in the trial will have their blood samples analysed, and the test won’t identify everyone who has cancer.

You can find out more on the NHS Digital website

In a different study, 25,000 people with possible cancer symptoms will also be offered the test once they have been referred to hospital. People taking part in the study (SYMPLIFY) will have their diagnostic test(s) in the normal way, but will also give a blood sample and permission for the study team to check their health records later to see if they were diagnosed with cancer and what appointments and other tests they had.

At the end of the study, having tested the blood with the Galleri test, the team will understand more about how well it works in this group of people.

This will help them to design a trial where they can further explore if the test can be used to decide who needs rapid referral to look for a possible cancer and what diagnostic tests might be appropriate to use.

This might be particularly helpful when patients experience symptoms that could be linked to several different types of cancer.

One to watch

The Galleri blood test has encouraging initial data, and it’s great to see NHS England supporting research on this scale because there are many questions that need to be answered before it could be made available in the NHS, including how useful and effective it is and who it might be best to use it with and when.

It will take time to know if Galleri can make a difference and how it should best be used. And regardless of the results, one test alone is unlikely to get us to the point where all cancers are detected at an early stage. Galleri isn’t the only test of its kind in development – research into different ways of detecting cancer early range from blood tests to urine and even poo tests.

In the past year alone we have seen news of blood and urine tests to detect brain, bladder, ovarian and lung cancers, all at varying stages of development.

And tests like these are just one part of a wider picture of investment and action needed to increase the number of cancers detected earlier.

Other recent innovative approaches, such as Cytosponge, the ‘sponge-on-a-string’ to detect a condition that could lead to oesophageal cancer, and Colon Capsule Endoscopy, a disposable camera that’s small enough to swallow and powerful enough to help rule out bowel cancer, exemplify the huge potential of this research field.

These innovations must be supported by having enough NHS staff, infrastructure and kit to ensure that innovative tests can be made available to everyone who could benefit.

It’s early days for the GRAIL blood test. But it’s so exciting to see this research happening and we look forward to seeing more tests of promise being taken through to trials, pilots and implementation, to drive much-needed benefit for patients.


This article was amended on 12/10/2021 to reflect that most of the trials so far have involved people who have already been diagnosed with cancer, but other studies are also ongoing.


  • Stephen Beamis
    30 March 2023

    I would definitely take part. I think you are very lucky if you or your family have not been affected by Cancer it is more prevalent and affects people of all ages so any test that can help with early diagnosis is really important.

  • Barry Hatcher
    5 March 2022

    I would be happy to get involved in this trial I am now past 70 and always aware of how cancer can develop without us knowing. Members of my family have been lost to this disease and so anything that will detect cancer early must be a good thing and save lives. For this reason I would always be willing to take part in a trial.

  • Vivienne Maughan
    2 March 2022

    I would like to take part in this trial. I have a pancreatic cyst which is being monitored periodically.

  • Vali Jessani
    1 March 2022

    I have had breast cancel would like to take part in the trial.

  • Josephine Bradshaw
    28 February 2022

    I’m very happy to help the fight against cancer

  • Dr. Anthony Solomon
    27 February 2022

    Why only up to 77? I am actually 83!

  • Helen mccoy
    27 February 2022

    I would be very willing to take part cancer has gone through all of my family I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017 Herp 2 positive stage 3 my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 a few years later my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer both hormonal cancer my dad died a few weeks ago with lung cancer which spread my mum has had cervical cancer mouth cancer and lung cancer my mums mum my gran died of breast cancer at an early age my mums dad died of throat cancer my mums brother died of Lymphoma and other brother died of cancer and her other brother aswell and 3 of my dad’s siblings also died of cancer so it’s right through my family

  • Peter Knight
    27 February 2022

    In October 2013 I passed some blood and went to my GP. I had a blood test that suggested I had nothing to worry about. For the next few months I occasionally passed small amounts of blood until April when I passed a lot. Subsequent hospital investigations showed I had bowel cancer. Luckily it had not spread and surgery and chemotherapy dealt with it. If this test had been available then maybe my cancer would have been found sooner and I would not have risked it spreading. I consider myself extremely lucky that it did not spread as one of my neighbours wasn’t so lucky.

  • Marie
    27 February 2022

    This is such positive news. I lost both my parents to late diagnosis of cancer when they were in their seventies, then 3 years ago my daughter, aged 24 was diagnosed with cancer, a battle she is still bravely fighting. I would love to be considered for any trails to help this test to become available to all at the earliest opportunity. I turn 60 this summer.

  • Libby
    27 February 2022

    I would like to take part on the test. My husband had colon cancer. My dad had lung cancer and a tumour on his brain, sister had ovarian cancer now My brother has stage 4 prostate cancer.

  • Sarah Hart
    27 February 2022

    Both me and my husband are taking part in this, I had breast cancer 4 years ago, and now possibly have thyroid cancer. Always more than happy to take part if it helps others.

  • Elizabeth E Wells
    27 February 2022

    I would be very interested to take part in this exciting new trial. All my close relatives have died of cancer but all different types: colon, lung, bone and brain (my parents and their siblings) so I’m guessing I’ll go from one of them. Im 75 and currently have no symptoms.

  • Mark Davis
    27 February 2022

    Great to find out if you have 50 different types of cancer. Will you ever get treatment? Preventative healthcare is not how the nhs works. The tories have seen to that

  • Joanne spencer
    27 February 2022

    I think this a great idea and I’m 48 and was 47 in 2021 when I was diagnosed with left top apex lung in in March 2021 and April 2021 the full top left lung was was removed fully. So I’m in remission at moment have my year scan in October 2022 to check cancer that it’s not in my lungs or anywhere else in my body. The blood test to find out is great as my cancer was found with me going for X ray and some other pain I was having. Scary but thankful it was early stage. I really hope I get the blood test one day. Keep up the good work.

  • Judith Elsy
    26 February 2022

    I would gladly take part in this trial.

  • Christine Murphy
    26 February 2022

    This is great news and I would like to be invited for trials. I am 67 and there has been cancer diagnosis through the generations on my mother’s side of family

  • Eric Ogilvie
    26 February 2022

    Great news if this test is a breakthrough in early cancer detection. Very informative as usual.

  • Sarah
    26 February 2022

    I would be very interested in taking part in a study like this having lost numerous family members to cancer including my dad, two sisters and my son, all of whom were not diagnosed until it was too late.

  • Ann Golledge
    26 February 2022

    Sounds amazing. Would be interested in hearing more

  • Catherine Aarons
    26 February 2022

    I would happily participate in this trial as my father, husband and sister all died of cancer ( husband and sister glioblastoma) . This sounds important reseach .

  • Denise Proctor
    26 February 2022

    I am a mother of 4 & a grandparent of 10, & a wife of a prostate cancer survivor,. I would be only too ready to take part in this trial for the sake of future generations if at 75 yrs, I am not considered too old!!

  • Jo
    26 February 2022

    As someone with no family history (being adopted) this would be amazing for early intervention. In my 50s now but unlikely to be picked, due to lack of history! Hoping the results are as expected

  • Pat
    26 February 2022

    I am very happy to read about these tests as have had 5 family members and also close friends affected by Cancer.
    As I fall within the age range for the blood test trial I hope that I can take part.

  • Kath Southworth
    26 February 2022

    This is excellent news. We lost two of our close friends to cancer last year. I am fit and well and will be 74 next month. I would be very willing to take part in the trials. Everything that contributes to detecting cancer and preventing it is extremely helpful.

  • Lorraine frost
    26 February 2022

    I for one would jump at the chance to take part, it’s going to cut the long lists the nhs are enduring at the moment in scanning departments etc with a simple blood test brilliant

  • Mrs Ida Mary Burrows
    26 February 2022

    I would be willing to take part in the trials as my mother died with ovarian cancer aged 58, and my maternal grandmother also died with ovarian cancer aged 47, her sister, my great Aunt died with breast cancer in her 40s. My maternal Grandfather died with bowel cancer.I have had my ovaries removed to help prevent cancer, but I understand I could be prone to breast cancer, as both cancers are connected. I am now 75 years old.

  • ian wallbridge
    25 February 2022

    I have suffered Prostate cancer in the past and am aware of a recurrence in the same or possibly another cancer type. Any research is vital in helping to diagnose and help eliminate the disease. Successful blood tests are a positive way forward as they are non invasive. I would be interested in taking part in any future trials.

  • Sophia
    25 February 2022

    I have send an comments

  • Sylvia Costa-Fox
    25 February 2022

    I will be 50 year old soon, I am a single mum as I Lost my husband few years ago with prostate cancer after a long battle against it. My daughter was only 6 years old.
    I always was so scared about cancer and after my
    Husband passed away I
    Just would do everything I can to help increase research in the area and also if possible discover if I have any kind of cancer and treat it in the early stages as my daughter can’t loose her mother as well.
    I really would like to be part of this trial.
    Thank you.

  • Jean jones
    25 February 2022

    Several members of my family died from cancer. My mum in 1959 breast cancer my dad 1969 lung cancer. I would love to participate in trials I am 72. My daughter is 47 and her dad has been treated for stomach cancelled. She has 4 children and I would like to protect her

  • Natalie Fowler
    25 February 2022

    I would happily take part in the research but I am 42 years old. It is so important to continue with research to improve the outcomes of detecting and treating cancers. Thank you.

  • Janet Houselander
    25 February 2022

    The blood test is particularly exciting as it is possibly so early in detection

  • Christine Graham
    25 February 2022

    This is an amazing development in the research you are doing. I consider it a major breakthrough for early detection as the rate of people with cancer is frighteningly high with no signs of slowing down. I would like to see more younger people included in the trial they are the ones with their lives ahead of them have young families and all to frequent their cancers are far more aggressive

  • Anne
    24 February 2022

    I have just given my first blood sample as a participant in the Galleri research – very happy and excited to be part of this project.

  • Alison
    24 February 2022

    Very interesting to read that this trial is to take place. I have no history of cancer in my immediate family but have lost many friends over the years. Would welcome the opportunity to take part.

  • Margaret
    24 February 2022

    I was recently asked if I would take part in the trial and had my appointment yesterday. I was more than happy to participate as I had kidney cancer six years ago and feel so lucky that it was found in time.

  • P Hughes
    24 February 2022

    Would be verywilling to take part –
    On basis of blood test in autumn 2010 GP said I had cancer but hospital did not discover
    it until 2014, always wondered why.

  • Sarah Garland
    24 February 2022

    I would like to take part, having pancreatic cancer in 2 close family members and ovarian cancer, bladder and breast cancer
    Always supporting cancer research our family are huge supporters x

    This article is brilliant going forward, much needed for these cancers xx

  • Victoria Bullen
    24 February 2022

    Excellent news and exciting!

  • Christina
    8 February 2022

    I was interested in the article and hope that modifications will continue to be made which will increase the positivity of the test. Having lost numerous family members to cancer, I would happily be involved in future testing.

  • Susan
    7 February 2022

    Would be more than willing to take part. I lost my husband 16 months ago to cancer of the bladder,which went completely undetected until a week before he died. Trials like this are so necessary.

  • Rene
    7 February 2022

    Good to new developments… So I realize that research is important for further progress in all you do

  • Janet
    30 January 2022

    I took part in this blood test trial in November last year and I am so pleased I did. I was unfortunately diagnosed with possible lung cancer and referred for further investigations which proved positive and at an early stage and now receiving treatment. I had no symptoms at the time of the test and must admit the outcome was initially a bit of a shock, but grateful that this trial has enabled treatment to be given at the early stages and hopefully will increase my chance of survival

  • Bill Randall
    5 November 2021

    I was interested in participation until I read the following in your article: “In a study involving people who had already been diagnosed with cancer, the test accurately detected cancer in 51.5% of people.”
    This is almost the same as chance, isn’t it? So tossing a coin and saying, “heads you’ve got cancer, tails you haven’t.” would give fairly similar results.
    Given that the subjects were already diagnosed with cancer, presumably one would expect fairly high concentrations of the relevant DNA fragments in their blood. So surely a far better detection rate than 1.5% above chance would be expected if the test really is sensitive and discriminates well.
    Or am I missing something?

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    10 November 2021

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for your question. This figure is from this published study in the US. The 51.5% figure reported is the overall sensitivity of the test – the proportion of people who had a positive test result among all cancer participants tested (across all cancer types and clinical stages). The sensitivity of cfDNA analysis is limited by the amount of tumour DNA in the blood. Different cancers shed DNA into the bloodstream at different rates and the proportion of tumour-derived cfDNA in the blood tends to increase as cancer progresses. This means that the ability of this test to detect cancer varies by both cancer type and clinical stage, so it is better at picking up some cancers than others. Your comment highlights why further research is so important, and we eagerly await the findings of the NHS-Galleri screening trial, and the study exploring the use of the Galleri test in symptomatic populations.

    Best wishes,

    Freya, Cancer Research UK

  • Harpal Kumar
    8 October 2021

    Please can you correct an error in this blog. Galleri HAS been tested on people who have not yet been diagnosed with cancer, contrary to your third and a subsequent paragraph. For example, the Pathfinder study of 6600 people in the US was entirely asymptomatic people; data was recently presented at ASCO on the interim results from this study.

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    12 October 2021

    Dear Harpal,

    Thanks for your comment, we’ve amended the article.

    Best wishes,

    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Barbara Pearson
    18 September 2021

    If not to old at 75 I would love to take part. Lost my father to stomach cancer and mother to bowel cancer ( metastatic)

  • Karen Maxwell-pinder
    17 September 2021

    Brilliant more than happy to volunteer fit healthy aged 58 mother of five grandmother of 10 work for nhs full recovery from covid ready when you are if neeeded

  • Tracy Saxelby
    17 September 2021

    Would be interested in taking part in this trial

  • Jeanette Revel
    17 September 2021

    Great news all the research that is being done. I was love to help but just had breast cancer. But good luck

  • Jennifer millman
    17 September 2021

    I have had breast cancer,and would love to do a trail

  • Jennifer millman
    17 September 2021

    I would like to take part have had cancer

  • Berenice jones
    17 September 2021

    I would be glad to take part in the trial , my mum and husband had cancer but luckily they both survived so would be happy to help

  • M Green
    17 September 2021

    Husband has prostate cancer. Daughter died of triple negative breast cancer linked to prostate cancer. I have identical twin sons, so worried about them developing prostate cancer. Research is wonderful but much more funding required.

  • Susan Smith
    17 September 2021

    I would be happy to be part of this as both my parents died of cancer before I was 17.

  • Sandra Sherratt
    17 September 2021

    I would like to volunteer. I lost my Dad to Pancreatic cancer 05/03/2020

  • Judith varley
    16 September 2021

    Sounds like a really important study, well done so far

  • Sharron
    16 September 2021

    Sounds promising, everything crossed. I had kidney cancer, no symptoms at 45yrs, suspected IBS, found though a ultra sound.Good luck.

  • Jacqueline Norton
    16 September 2021

    I think this is amazing my mum and her sister died of cancer also my dad and 3 of his brothers, so this would be fantastic for the people that get picked for the trial and for the future

  • Patricia Wilson
    16 September 2021

    I would be glad of a chance to take part having a family history of cancer

  • Glenda Oxley
    16 September 2021

    What an amazing step forward in detecting cancer. So many of my family have had/died with cancers, this is a much needed trial. I’d would love to take part.

  • Mrs Dawn Asplen
    16 September 2021

    Think this is amazing to be able to detect other cancers and it is definitely going to help cure most cancers I think research is a fantastic way ,and to have a blood test is amazing if I hadnt of got breast cancer I would have definitely wanted to take part so I wish you all the luck in the world its absolutely great news

  • Susan Zak
    16 September 2021

    Great to see that there is hope for detecting this awful disease earlier, should save a lot of lives. I had a scare a couple of years ago and would be happy to receive an invitation.

  • Irene Stratton
    16 September 2021

    Please can you give a link to the trial protocol? I’ve worked in cancer research and in screening for 40 years and I’m interested in the data which may be collected on unintended harms.
    I hope there will be in-depth interviews with the people in whom cancer is diagnosed and with each and every member of their family about how their life has changed having had that diagnosis.
    A short study like this does not seem adequate to understand the unintended harms.

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    23 September 2021

    Hi Irene,

    Thanks for getting in touch. We’ve got more information on the trial design on our website. There’s also a protocol available on the ISCTRN registry website.

    Best wishes,

    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Susan Thompson
    16 September 2021

    I would like to have this blood test as I’m recovering from breast cancer and I always have the worry that I might have cancer elsewhere in my body .

  • Kath little
    16 September 2021

    Interesting , wonderful if this works out .

  • Marianna Ludford
    16 September 2021

    My whole family died from cancer mum from lung cancer and dad from prostate cancer my brother have survived prostate cancer I am thank only one who never been diagnosed with cancer as person who in the age group 50-77 and live not far from one of locations people involved I want to be involved but wondering if you need sign up or just sit and wait for the letter if you need apply how possible to do it because it not possible find link to the form there only OPT OUT FORM so my question do you need apply or wait letter? When I did research for epilepsy I simply got letter from clinic at King’s College Hospital may be you will send information

  • Lorraine Johnson
    16 September 2021

    The trial sounds great good luck and thank you for all the hard work that has gone into it

  • Ann moan
    16 September 2021

    I think this will be amazing trial , I am 54 and would love be part of it .

  • Carol Looker
    16 September 2021

    I think anything that stands a chance allbeit small of detecting cancers, is worth its weight in gold and if it can save just one life it’s worth it. More can follow hopefully

  • Jill Paragreen
    15 September 2021

    My brother is having cancer treatment, I would like to be considered to take part please ,

  • Julie Strad
    15 September 2021

    A very interesting read. I would certainly be interested in taking part..

  • Sandra Cooper
    15 September 2021

    I would love to take part in this as my dad died quickly of pancreatic cancer and I worry for my children

  • Susan Morris
    15 September 2021

    Really interesting. I am a Merkel Cell Carcinoma patient at Royal Derby. Currently, NED & picked up at Stage I.

  • David clegg
    15 September 2021

    Lost my dad to cancer when I was 13 would like to take part. Got grand children to think of. David clegg.

  • Louise hibberd
    15 September 2021

    I think this is amazing , I hope it can soon be trialed and tested and out for the nation , just think how many lives could be saved . This is what the world has been waiting for . Fingers crossed and congratulations so far

  • Christopher Warren
    15 September 2021

    I’m wondering what the 50 cancers are the new test will detect as I’ve not seen a list anywhere?

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    23 September 2021

    Hi Christopher,

    Thanks for getting in touch. GRAIL have published the list of cancers that can be detected on their website.

    Best wishes,

    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Mrs L Ridout
    15 September 2021

    I would love to take part in the test it seems like a really good trial. I like a lot of people have many relatives who have had or died of cancer and would love to do something to help.

  • Patricia Ann Willis .
    15 September 2021

    I think this is a great move and hope it will prove to be helpful. Having lost my husband, Mother and and other relatives to cancer .

  • Paula
    14 September 2021

    I would be interested in the trial, hopefully this is the way forward 🙏

  • Valerie james
    14 September 2021


  • Evelyn harrison.
    14 September 2021

    Very exciting news.lets hope many people are detected with early cancer that will be able to be cured before it advances too quickly.

  • Christine jones
    14 September 2021

    I would love to take part in the trials

  • Katherine Hughes
    14 September 2021

    Sounds amazing! I had breast cancer four years ago and would be happy to take part in a trial. I live in Wales and have had a mastectomy.

  • Heather Pedder - Bedfordfordshire
    14 September 2021

    This certainly sounds like an amazing opportunity to participate in these cancer tests – I would certainly feel lucky to be selected and privileged to be part of these tests.

  • May Logan
    14 September 2021

    I’m interested in any trials re:Cancer and like to follow them for the results.I have stage 4 NHL,so it’s purely for interest,very exciting though.

  • Barbara Milne
    14 September 2021

    Really hope these tests do help to find cancers before they get so bad. Wonderful news.

  • Jan Ferguson
    14 September 2021

    I would love to take part but it seems I live in the wrong area. My dad and his siblings all died from cancer, my mum’s siblings and two of my cousins on my mum’s side have died from it. I also have another cousin undergoing treatment for cancer.

  • Suzanne Norman
    14 September 2021

    This is amazing after having both bowel and breast cancer which resulted in chemotherapy and radiotherapy which was gruelling, would of been wonderful to have avoided that treatment by catching earlier x well done to all concerned in research

  • Maureen kenyon
    13 September 2021

    How can you apply to be in the cancer blood
    Test trial

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    14 September 2021

    Hi Maureen,

    Thanks for your question. Potential participants will be identified by NHS Digital and will be invited to take part in the trial. You cannot volunteer to take part. You can find out more information about the trial on the NHS Digital website.

    Best wishes,

    Katie, Cancer Research UK


  • Stephen Beamis
    30 March 2023

    I would definitely take part. I think you are very lucky if you or your family have not been affected by Cancer it is more prevalent and affects people of all ages so any test that can help with early diagnosis is really important.

  • Barry Hatcher
    5 March 2022

    I would be happy to get involved in this trial I am now past 70 and always aware of how cancer can develop without us knowing. Members of my family have been lost to this disease and so anything that will detect cancer early must be a good thing and save lives. For this reason I would always be willing to take part in a trial.

  • Vivienne Maughan
    2 March 2022

    I would like to take part in this trial. I have a pancreatic cyst which is being monitored periodically.

  • Vali Jessani
    1 March 2022

    I have had breast cancel would like to take part in the trial.

  • Josephine Bradshaw
    28 February 2022

    I’m very happy to help the fight against cancer

  • Dr. Anthony Solomon
    27 February 2022

    Why only up to 77? I am actually 83!

  • Helen mccoy
    27 February 2022

    I would be very willing to take part cancer has gone through all of my family I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2017 Herp 2 positive stage 3 my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 a few years later my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer both hormonal cancer my dad died a few weeks ago with lung cancer which spread my mum has had cervical cancer mouth cancer and lung cancer my mums mum my gran died of breast cancer at an early age my mums dad died of throat cancer my mums brother died of Lymphoma and other brother died of cancer and her other brother aswell and 3 of my dad’s siblings also died of cancer so it’s right through my family

  • Peter Knight
    27 February 2022

    In October 2013 I passed some blood and went to my GP. I had a blood test that suggested I had nothing to worry about. For the next few months I occasionally passed small amounts of blood until April when I passed a lot. Subsequent hospital investigations showed I had bowel cancer. Luckily it had not spread and surgery and chemotherapy dealt with it. If this test had been available then maybe my cancer would have been found sooner and I would not have risked it spreading. I consider myself extremely lucky that it did not spread as one of my neighbours wasn’t so lucky.

  • Marie
    27 February 2022

    This is such positive news. I lost both my parents to late diagnosis of cancer when they were in their seventies, then 3 years ago my daughter, aged 24 was diagnosed with cancer, a battle she is still bravely fighting. I would love to be considered for any trails to help this test to become available to all at the earliest opportunity. I turn 60 this summer.

  • Libby
    27 February 2022

    I would like to take part on the test. My husband had colon cancer. My dad had lung cancer and a tumour on his brain, sister had ovarian cancer now My brother has stage 4 prostate cancer.

  • Sarah Hart
    27 February 2022

    Both me and my husband are taking part in this, I had breast cancer 4 years ago, and now possibly have thyroid cancer. Always more than happy to take part if it helps others.

  • Elizabeth E Wells
    27 February 2022

    I would be very interested to take part in this exciting new trial. All my close relatives have died of cancer but all different types: colon, lung, bone and brain (my parents and their siblings) so I’m guessing I’ll go from one of them. Im 75 and currently have no symptoms.

  • Mark Davis
    27 February 2022

    Great to find out if you have 50 different types of cancer. Will you ever get treatment? Preventative healthcare is not how the nhs works. The tories have seen to that

  • Joanne spencer
    27 February 2022

    I think this a great idea and I’m 48 and was 47 in 2021 when I was diagnosed with left top apex lung in in March 2021 and April 2021 the full top left lung was was removed fully. So I’m in remission at moment have my year scan in October 2022 to check cancer that it’s not in my lungs or anywhere else in my body. The blood test to find out is great as my cancer was found with me going for X ray and some other pain I was having. Scary but thankful it was early stage. I really hope I get the blood test one day. Keep up the good work.

  • Judith Elsy
    26 February 2022

    I would gladly take part in this trial.

  • Christine Murphy
    26 February 2022

    This is great news and I would like to be invited for trials. I am 67 and there has been cancer diagnosis through the generations on my mother’s side of family

  • Eric Ogilvie
    26 February 2022

    Great news if this test is a breakthrough in early cancer detection. Very informative as usual.

  • Sarah
    26 February 2022

    I would be very interested in taking part in a study like this having lost numerous family members to cancer including my dad, two sisters and my son, all of whom were not diagnosed until it was too late.

  • Ann Golledge
    26 February 2022

    Sounds amazing. Would be interested in hearing more

  • Catherine Aarons
    26 February 2022

    I would happily participate in this trial as my father, husband and sister all died of cancer ( husband and sister glioblastoma) . This sounds important reseach .

  • Denise Proctor
    26 February 2022

    I am a mother of 4 & a grandparent of 10, & a wife of a prostate cancer survivor,. I would be only too ready to take part in this trial for the sake of future generations if at 75 yrs, I am not considered too old!!

  • Jo
    26 February 2022

    As someone with no family history (being adopted) this would be amazing for early intervention. In my 50s now but unlikely to be picked, due to lack of history! Hoping the results are as expected

  • Pat
    26 February 2022

    I am very happy to read about these tests as have had 5 family members and also close friends affected by Cancer.
    As I fall within the age range for the blood test trial I hope that I can take part.

  • Kath Southworth
    26 February 2022

    This is excellent news. We lost two of our close friends to cancer last year. I am fit and well and will be 74 next month. I would be very willing to take part in the trials. Everything that contributes to detecting cancer and preventing it is extremely helpful.

  • Lorraine frost
    26 February 2022

    I for one would jump at the chance to take part, it’s going to cut the long lists the nhs are enduring at the moment in scanning departments etc with a simple blood test brilliant

  • Mrs Ida Mary Burrows
    26 February 2022

    I would be willing to take part in the trials as my mother died with ovarian cancer aged 58, and my maternal grandmother also died with ovarian cancer aged 47, her sister, my great Aunt died with breast cancer in her 40s. My maternal Grandfather died with bowel cancer.I have had my ovaries removed to help prevent cancer, but I understand I could be prone to breast cancer, as both cancers are connected. I am now 75 years old.

  • ian wallbridge
    25 February 2022

    I have suffered Prostate cancer in the past and am aware of a recurrence in the same or possibly another cancer type. Any research is vital in helping to diagnose and help eliminate the disease. Successful blood tests are a positive way forward as they are non invasive. I would be interested in taking part in any future trials.

  • Sophia
    25 February 2022

    I have send an comments

  • Sylvia Costa-Fox
    25 February 2022

    I will be 50 year old soon, I am a single mum as I Lost my husband few years ago with prostate cancer after a long battle against it. My daughter was only 6 years old.
    I always was so scared about cancer and after my
    Husband passed away I
    Just would do everything I can to help increase research in the area and also if possible discover if I have any kind of cancer and treat it in the early stages as my daughter can’t loose her mother as well.
    I really would like to be part of this trial.
    Thank you.

  • Jean jones
    25 February 2022

    Several members of my family died from cancer. My mum in 1959 breast cancer my dad 1969 lung cancer. I would love to participate in trials I am 72. My daughter is 47 and her dad has been treated for stomach cancelled. She has 4 children and I would like to protect her

  • Natalie Fowler
    25 February 2022

    I would happily take part in the research but I am 42 years old. It is so important to continue with research to improve the outcomes of detecting and treating cancers. Thank you.

  • Janet Houselander
    25 February 2022

    The blood test is particularly exciting as it is possibly so early in detection

  • Christine Graham
    25 February 2022

    This is an amazing development in the research you are doing. I consider it a major breakthrough for early detection as the rate of people with cancer is frighteningly high with no signs of slowing down. I would like to see more younger people included in the trial they are the ones with their lives ahead of them have young families and all to frequent their cancers are far more aggressive

  • Anne
    24 February 2022

    I have just given my first blood sample as a participant in the Galleri research – very happy and excited to be part of this project.

  • Alison
    24 February 2022

    Very interesting to read that this trial is to take place. I have no history of cancer in my immediate family but have lost many friends over the years. Would welcome the opportunity to take part.

  • Margaret
    24 February 2022

    I was recently asked if I would take part in the trial and had my appointment yesterday. I was more than happy to participate as I had kidney cancer six years ago and feel so lucky that it was found in time.

  • P Hughes
    24 February 2022

    Would be verywilling to take part –
    On basis of blood test in autumn 2010 GP said I had cancer but hospital did not discover
    it until 2014, always wondered why.

  • Sarah Garland
    24 February 2022

    I would like to take part, having pancreatic cancer in 2 close family members and ovarian cancer, bladder and breast cancer
    Always supporting cancer research our family are huge supporters x

    This article is brilliant going forward, much needed for these cancers xx

  • Victoria Bullen
    24 February 2022

    Excellent news and exciting!

  • Christina
    8 February 2022

    I was interested in the article and hope that modifications will continue to be made which will increase the positivity of the test. Having lost numerous family members to cancer, I would happily be involved in future testing.

  • Susan
    7 February 2022

    Would be more than willing to take part. I lost my husband 16 months ago to cancer of the bladder,which went completely undetected until a week before he died. Trials like this are so necessary.

  • Rene
    7 February 2022

    Good to new developments… So I realize that research is important for further progress in all you do

  • Janet
    30 January 2022

    I took part in this blood test trial in November last year and I am so pleased I did. I was unfortunately diagnosed with possible lung cancer and referred for further investigations which proved positive and at an early stage and now receiving treatment. I had no symptoms at the time of the test and must admit the outcome was initially a bit of a shock, but grateful that this trial has enabled treatment to be given at the early stages and hopefully will increase my chance of survival

  • Bill Randall
    5 November 2021

    I was interested in participation until I read the following in your article: “In a study involving people who had already been diagnosed with cancer, the test accurately detected cancer in 51.5% of people.”
    This is almost the same as chance, isn’t it? So tossing a coin and saying, “heads you’ve got cancer, tails you haven’t.” would give fairly similar results.
    Given that the subjects were already diagnosed with cancer, presumably one would expect fairly high concentrations of the relevant DNA fragments in their blood. So surely a far better detection rate than 1.5% above chance would be expected if the test really is sensitive and discriminates well.
    Or am I missing something?

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    10 November 2021

    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for your question. This figure is from this published study in the US. The 51.5% figure reported is the overall sensitivity of the test – the proportion of people who had a positive test result among all cancer participants tested (across all cancer types and clinical stages). The sensitivity of cfDNA analysis is limited by the amount of tumour DNA in the blood. Different cancers shed DNA into the bloodstream at different rates and the proportion of tumour-derived cfDNA in the blood tends to increase as cancer progresses. This means that the ability of this test to detect cancer varies by both cancer type and clinical stage, so it is better at picking up some cancers than others. Your comment highlights why further research is so important, and we eagerly await the findings of the NHS-Galleri screening trial, and the study exploring the use of the Galleri test in symptomatic populations.

    Best wishes,

    Freya, Cancer Research UK

  • Harpal Kumar
    8 October 2021

    Please can you correct an error in this blog. Galleri HAS been tested on people who have not yet been diagnosed with cancer, contrary to your third and a subsequent paragraph. For example, the Pathfinder study of 6600 people in the US was entirely asymptomatic people; data was recently presented at ASCO on the interim results from this study.

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    12 October 2021

    Dear Harpal,

    Thanks for your comment, we’ve amended the article.

    Best wishes,

    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Barbara Pearson
    18 September 2021

    If not to old at 75 I would love to take part. Lost my father to stomach cancer and mother to bowel cancer ( metastatic)

  • Karen Maxwell-pinder
    17 September 2021

    Brilliant more than happy to volunteer fit healthy aged 58 mother of five grandmother of 10 work for nhs full recovery from covid ready when you are if neeeded

  • Tracy Saxelby
    17 September 2021

    Would be interested in taking part in this trial

  • Jeanette Revel
    17 September 2021

    Great news all the research that is being done. I was love to help but just had breast cancer. But good luck

  • Jennifer millman
    17 September 2021

    I have had breast cancer,and would love to do a trail

  • Jennifer millman
    17 September 2021

    I would like to take part have had cancer

  • Berenice jones
    17 September 2021

    I would be glad to take part in the trial , my mum and husband had cancer but luckily they both survived so would be happy to help

  • M Green
    17 September 2021

    Husband has prostate cancer. Daughter died of triple negative breast cancer linked to prostate cancer. I have identical twin sons, so worried about them developing prostate cancer. Research is wonderful but much more funding required.

  • Susan Smith
    17 September 2021

    I would be happy to be part of this as both my parents died of cancer before I was 17.

  • Sandra Sherratt
    17 September 2021

    I would like to volunteer. I lost my Dad to Pancreatic cancer 05/03/2020

  • Judith varley
    16 September 2021

    Sounds like a really important study, well done so far

  • Sharron
    16 September 2021

    Sounds promising, everything crossed. I had kidney cancer, no symptoms at 45yrs, suspected IBS, found though a ultra sound.Good luck.

  • Jacqueline Norton
    16 September 2021

    I think this is amazing my mum and her sister died of cancer also my dad and 3 of his brothers, so this would be fantastic for the people that get picked for the trial and for the future

  • Patricia Wilson
    16 September 2021

    I would be glad of a chance to take part having a family history of cancer

  • Glenda Oxley
    16 September 2021

    What an amazing step forward in detecting cancer. So many of my family have had/died with cancers, this is a much needed trial. I’d would love to take part.

  • Mrs Dawn Asplen
    16 September 2021

    Think this is amazing to be able to detect other cancers and it is definitely going to help cure most cancers I think research is a fantastic way ,and to have a blood test is amazing if I hadnt of got breast cancer I would have definitely wanted to take part so I wish you all the luck in the world its absolutely great news

  • Susan Zak
    16 September 2021

    Great to see that there is hope for detecting this awful disease earlier, should save a lot of lives. I had a scare a couple of years ago and would be happy to receive an invitation.

  • Irene Stratton
    16 September 2021

    Please can you give a link to the trial protocol? I’ve worked in cancer research and in screening for 40 years and I’m interested in the data which may be collected on unintended harms.
    I hope there will be in-depth interviews with the people in whom cancer is diagnosed and with each and every member of their family about how their life has changed having had that diagnosis.
    A short study like this does not seem adequate to understand the unintended harms.

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    23 September 2021

    Hi Irene,

    Thanks for getting in touch. We’ve got more information on the trial design on our website. There’s also a protocol available on the ISCTRN registry website.

    Best wishes,

    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Susan Thompson
    16 September 2021

    I would like to have this blood test as I’m recovering from breast cancer and I always have the worry that I might have cancer elsewhere in my body .

  • Kath little
    16 September 2021

    Interesting , wonderful if this works out .

  • Marianna Ludford
    16 September 2021

    My whole family died from cancer mum from lung cancer and dad from prostate cancer my brother have survived prostate cancer I am thank only one who never been diagnosed with cancer as person who in the age group 50-77 and live not far from one of locations people involved I want to be involved but wondering if you need sign up or just sit and wait for the letter if you need apply how possible to do it because it not possible find link to the form there only OPT OUT FORM so my question do you need apply or wait letter? When I did research for epilepsy I simply got letter from clinic at King’s College Hospital may be you will send information

  • Lorraine Johnson
    16 September 2021

    The trial sounds great good luck and thank you for all the hard work that has gone into it

  • Ann moan
    16 September 2021

    I think this will be amazing trial , I am 54 and would love be part of it .

  • Carol Looker
    16 September 2021

    I think anything that stands a chance allbeit small of detecting cancers, is worth its weight in gold and if it can save just one life it’s worth it. More can follow hopefully

  • Jill Paragreen
    15 September 2021

    My brother is having cancer treatment, I would like to be considered to take part please ,

  • Julie Strad
    15 September 2021

    A very interesting read. I would certainly be interested in taking part..

  • Sandra Cooper
    15 September 2021

    I would love to take part in this as my dad died quickly of pancreatic cancer and I worry for my children

  • Susan Morris
    15 September 2021

    Really interesting. I am a Merkel Cell Carcinoma patient at Royal Derby. Currently, NED & picked up at Stage I.

  • David clegg
    15 September 2021

    Lost my dad to cancer when I was 13 would like to take part. Got grand children to think of. David clegg.

  • Louise hibberd
    15 September 2021

    I think this is amazing , I hope it can soon be trialed and tested and out for the nation , just think how many lives could be saved . This is what the world has been waiting for . Fingers crossed and congratulations so far

  • Christopher Warren
    15 September 2021

    I’m wondering what the 50 cancers are the new test will detect as I’ve not seen a list anywhere?

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    23 September 2021

    Hi Christopher,

    Thanks for getting in touch. GRAIL have published the list of cancers that can be detected on their website.

    Best wishes,

    Katie, Cancer Research UK

  • Mrs L Ridout
    15 September 2021

    I would love to take part in the test it seems like a really good trial. I like a lot of people have many relatives who have had or died of cancer and would love to do something to help.

  • Patricia Ann Willis .
    15 September 2021

    I think this is a great move and hope it will prove to be helpful. Having lost my husband, Mother and and other relatives to cancer .

  • Paula
    14 September 2021

    I would be interested in the trial, hopefully this is the way forward 🙏

  • Valerie james
    14 September 2021


  • Evelyn harrison.
    14 September 2021

    Very exciting news.lets hope many people are detected with early cancer that will be able to be cured before it advances too quickly.

  • Christine jones
    14 September 2021

    I would love to take part in the trials

  • Katherine Hughes
    14 September 2021

    Sounds amazing! I had breast cancer four years ago and would be happy to take part in a trial. I live in Wales and have had a mastectomy.

  • Heather Pedder - Bedfordfordshire
    14 September 2021

    This certainly sounds like an amazing opportunity to participate in these cancer tests – I would certainly feel lucky to be selected and privileged to be part of these tests.

  • May Logan
    14 September 2021

    I’m interested in any trials re:Cancer and like to follow them for the results.I have stage 4 NHL,so it’s purely for interest,very exciting though.

  • Barbara Milne
    14 September 2021

    Really hope these tests do help to find cancers before they get so bad. Wonderful news.

  • Jan Ferguson
    14 September 2021

    I would love to take part but it seems I live in the wrong area. My dad and his siblings all died from cancer, my mum’s siblings and two of my cousins on my mum’s side have died from it. I also have another cousin undergoing treatment for cancer.

  • Suzanne Norman
    14 September 2021

    This is amazing after having both bowel and breast cancer which resulted in chemotherapy and radiotherapy which was gruelling, would of been wonderful to have avoided that treatment by catching earlier x well done to all concerned in research

  • Maureen kenyon
    13 September 2021

    How can you apply to be in the cancer blood
    Test trial

  • reply
    Katie Roberts
    14 September 2021

    Hi Maureen,

    Thanks for your question. Potential participants will be identified by NHS Digital and will be invited to take part in the trial. You cannot volunteer to take part. You can find out more information about the trial on the NHS Digital website.

    Best wishes,

    Katie, Cancer Research UK